Clinics & Coaches
Information for clinic enquires & Coaches
Valtair Park is an inclusive and supportive environment, we welcome clinicians and coaches from all equestrian sports from around Australia and internationally to teach at Valtair Park.
With the full size 60m x 20m dressage arena with imported Geopat surface, seating and viewing area at one end. Clinics are suitable for viewing capacity and non ridden workshops. With full ‘no shadow’ lighting both in the arena and viewing areas it can be a night workshop in the summer months or a rainy day lessons.
For arena hire at Valtair Park it is calculated on a per horse bases.
Coaching Agistees: $10 per horse.
Coaching none agistees at Valtair Park: $30 (usually $90) per horse.
For clinics that are organised by outside party and multi-day clinics please contact us for a quote.
While coaching at Valtair Park a copy of insurance/ qualification needs to be provided to management. We advise that it is up the Coach to provide their own safety waivers.
We have trainers come from far and wide to teach at Valtair Park.
To find out about all the up coming clinics and to book your spot head to our